Ronald L. Coley

North America
Scholar Date: 
1976 to 1977

Ron Coley is currently publisher at Ron Coley Books and Prints.

During his scholarship year, Ron visited UCLA, USC Marine Labs on Catalina Island, Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Brooks Institute of Photography.

Since then, Ron worked as a filmmaker and photographer for 10 years, his work showing in numerous articles, books, TV shows and films - including Sport Diver, PBS and several textbooks for science and anthropology. He has also been involved in the development of different educational and training programs regarding computer-assisted multi-level diving, equipment evaluation and regulator repair. He created support programs to use scuba diving to treat PTSD and has also worked in habitat restoration programs for freshwater systems.

Now he is dedicated to art and photography as a means to advocate for the protection of the natural world, particularly freshwater systems. One of his personal accomplishments is to establish nature tourism as a viable form of economic development.

His favourite dive was working on 13,000 year old underwater archaeological site in Spring Lake, USA.